Series 3

The book is on the semantics of the Igbo verb root as such, and also on the combination of a single verb root with a noun phrase complement (e.g. -gba egbe ‘shoot’) or with a prepositional phrase complement (e.g. -gba n’ezi ‘lay about’). Both structures are summarized as [verb+NP] and [verb+PP] respectively, with the NP/PP functioning as the complements to the verb root. A cognitive semantics framework is adopted in the analysis of the structure. More specifically, the analytic concept of “image schema” is used to analyse the Igbo verb roots and the V+NP/PP structures formed with them. 

Overview of Chapters:
1. The Semantics and Structure of the Igbo Verb
2. The Treatment of the ICV in Igbo Linguistics
3. Cognitive Linguistics: A very Short Introduction
4. The Conceptualization of ICV Constructions
5. Image Schema of the Igbo Verb Root -tụ́
6. The Productivity of the -tụ́ Schema
7. Two Different Ways of Throwing: -tụ́ and –má
8. Smmary and Conclusions